Executive Committee
The International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame is managed by an Executive Committee. The current members, all Patrons, are listed below.
Membership will change over time (not limited to Honorees) and expressions of interest are welcome to help IMSHOF - in any capacity. Role and Responsibility defined.

Ned Denison
Honor Administrator, Ireland 2012
On committee since 2014 and overall Chair since 2018.
More than 50 marathon swims (and still going) including Triple Crown.

Beth Yudovin
Honor Administrator, United States of America, 2022
On committee since 2014
Responsible for Finance and shared ISHOF liaison.
Managed 24 first ever swims for her late husband Honoree David Yudovin

Richard Broer
Honor Administrator, Netherlands 2017
On committee since 2017
Responsible for Ceremony booklet
Chairperson of the Technical Open Water Committee of Royal Netherlands Swimming Association
Marathon swimmer

Madhu Nagaraja
On committee since 2021
Responsible for Technology Operations and Social Media
Canadian (born in India)
Great Lakes swim administrator and marathon historian
Marathon Swimmer

Nora Toledano Cadena
Honor Swimmer, México, 2006
On committee since 2022
Manages Nominations and Selections
Oceans Seven, Triple Crown, FINA World Cup racer, 2-way English Channel and Coach, author and FINA World Cup race organizer

Alice Dearing
On committee since 2024
Responsibility for Social Media
Olympian - 2021 Tokyo 10 km
2016 10 km World Junior Open Water Swimming Champion
10+ years on World Aquatics circuit
Previous Executive Committee Members
Dale Petranech 2014-2019
Christopher Guesdon 2014-2017 ending as Chair
David Yudovin 2014-2015 Chair
Ricardo Ratto 2020-2021
Melissa Cunningham Roberts 2017-2023 ending as Election Chair
At the 2024 Ceremony: Ned Denison, Beth Yudovin, Nora Toledano Cadena and Madhu Nagaraja (Richard Broer missing)

At the 2022 Ceremony: Richard Broer, Ned Denison, Beth Yudovin, Nora Toledano Cadena and Madhu Nagaraja (Melissa Cunningham Roberts missing)

At the 2018 Ceremony: Melissa Cunningham Roberts,
Richard Broer, Beth Yudovin and Ned Denison (Dale Petranech missing)

2015-2017 : Dale Petranech, Beth Yudovin, Chris Guesdon, Christine Owens (webmaster/marketing) and Ned Denison